
We will build and grow your ECOM business to $10,000/month in 90 days, guaranteed

Results From Our Clients

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Adam Rodriguez (0-$10k/Month)

Adam is a former US Marines Corp. But unfortunately he had 0 computer & E-commerce related skills. We met on Instagram and he decided to launch an E-commerce store with us. We dropshipped an ear cleaning device with Facebook ads. He went from 0-$10k per month in sales within only two months.

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Ante Pereza (Zero to Hero)

Ante was your average dropshipper. He tried everything and still couldn’t get a single sale. After partnering with us, he started getting 10+ orders daily within a few weeks.

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Joyce Morales ($500+ Daily)

Being a full time mother, she didn’t have the time to learn the skills and build an ECOM business. After partnering up with us, her store is now making $500+ daily selling portable chainsaws. The good news? It’s all passive income for her.

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Our Profitable Done For You System

Step 1: Product Selection

We will find a product that: 1. Solves a real problem 2. People are already buying it, there's demand 3. Can’t be easily found locally 4. Profit margin is over $20

Step 2: Choose a Target Market

A lot of people will try to sell the same product as us, but this is where we can stand out and crush them. We will choose a wealthy audience that won't hesitate to purchase. We fill find out their problems, desires, wants and speak directly to their heart on our product description. This will influence them to buy on the spot.

Step 3: Build a Branded Store

We will build you a custom Shopify website that's designed to turn visitors into buyers. We also use upsells to squeeze the most amount of money from each customer.

Step 4: Powerful Photos & Video Ads

Your ads are the first thing your potential customer will see. Our content team will create powerful ad content that will keep people hooked and ready to buy. While most people only test 1-3 ads and give up when it doesn't work, we flood the market with almost 10 ad creatives.

Step 5: Launch Meta/TikTok Ads

Ad platform algorithms are extremely smart now. If you have a good offer, target market, store and ad creatives, it's easy to run profitable ads. Our team stays up to date with ad policies and checks in regularly on your ad campaigns.

Step 6: We Manage + Grow Your Business

We charge $300/month to manage & grow your store. We handle everything including ads management, customer support & order fulfillment. An online store grows 10 times faster than traditional businesses.

Our Contractual Guarantee

If your store doesn’t hit $10,000/month in sales profitably after 90 days of running ads, we will give you a full refund of $2999. This refund policy will be included in our contract.

Why Choose Us?

100% Ownership of the Business

All of the assets belong to YOU. Think of us as a hardworking part of your team.

Enjoy Passive Income

We charge $300/month to manage & grow your store. We handle everything including ads management, customer support & order fulfilment.

Protected With a Contract

I get it, you might be concerned about getting scammed. We will send you a contract to protect both of our rights.

Work Smart, Not Hard. Let Us Do the Heavy Lifting

Running an E-Commerce store has a huge learning curve. You’ll need to test several strategies, be willing to fail multiple times and be prepared to burn money in the initial years of running your store.

You’ll need to be constantly on your toes – Learning, Negotiating with vendors, troubleshooting customer queries.

With us, you can remove the learning curve, failures and testing phase.

You are simply offloading all the work to an agency that is brutally good at running profitable stores.

We Are The Best In The Industry, Here Is Why..

Other E-commerce Programs:

❌ Cookie-cutter information

❌ You Are Left on Your Own

❌ Huge Learning Curve

❌ Failing Multiple Times

❌ Requires A Lot of Time & Energy

Our E-commerce Automation Program:

✅ Fully Done for You

✅ Leverage Industry Experts

✅ Incredibly Easy To Start & Scale

✅ Zero Space for Mistakes

✅ Completely Automated

I Made It Happen From a 3rd World Country, What's Your Excuse?

I grew up in Bangladesh, a 3rd world country. An average guy in my city makes $300/month.

I hoped that my education would help me become finally independent so I toiled at school…

However, I soon realized that educated people were still miserable at their boring 9-5 jobs.

Just when I started to lose hope, YouTube recommended me a video on dropshipping. I decided to learn about it and give it a shot.

I launched my first store, it failed miserably. After a ton of failed stores, I started stacking up key skills like sales, marketing, copywriting, persuasion, etc. which helped me create 6 figures stores for myself and clients.

Everyone sees the success, but they don’t see the 4 AM nights I pulled off to become a master of the craft.

Become Your Own Boss At An Affordable Price

Winning Product

Fully Built Store

Branding & Logo Design 

Marketing Plan & Research 

World Class Copywriting 

Content & Ad Creatives

Profitable Ads Set up

Email Marketing 

Shopify Apps Setup 

Lifetime Guidance

Total Value: $10,000

One time fee: $1500

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the expenses:

Shopify plan: $29/month
Shopify apps: approx. $30/month

Advertisement: $50/day (usually paid with credit)

Usually products that we sell never die out because we choose useful products that solve problems. Not just trendy products like fidget spinners that die out quickly. In the odd case that it does die out, we give a free replacement

After you pay us the one time set up fee, it takes us around 5 weeks to launch your store.

Onboarding: 2 days

Product research: 5 days

Marketing plan and copywriting: 1 week

Building store: 1 week

Custom content: 1 week

Launching Meta/TikTok ads: 1 week

You will need $50/day ($1500/month) for ad spend.

Yes, this is a lifetime business. E-Commerce sales were $870 billion in the US in 2021, a 14.2% increase over 2020 and a 50.5% increase over 2019. The industry is showing no signs of slowing down.

We will just need a few things from you: Payment processor set up, PayPal business account, adding your card to Shopify, and opening Facebook Business Manager account. We will send you an email with detailed steps once the store is ready to launch.
Our mission is to always complete as much of the work as possible, and let our clients do the least. That’s why everything should take less than 1 hour for you to set up.

Yes! We have experienced and reliable assistants on our team to fulfill orders, handle customer support and everything in between.

We charge $300/month to grow and manage your store, which makes it a full passive income source for you.

We charge $300/month to manage orders & customer support. It starts from the day we launch ads.

We will build you a lifetime dropshipping business. We will take care of all the steps. This is a FULLY DONE FOR YOU service. Read our free ebook for more information here.